Saturday, March 6, 2010


So I haven't updated in quite a while but i've been super super busy but now it's spring break!! And I have a wealth of free time not to mention a sickness....


So that means that I can probably write a blog with some meat in it......but what to talk about? hmmmmm........

I booked a room at the Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort for the night of May 23 so if you are also staying there that night I will be the pale white girl with bangs who just got off of 15 hours of driving. I may be cranky. So if I do meet you that night let me have a few cocktails before you judge me. :)
I looked at pictures of the hotel and it is probably the nicest hotel i've ever stayed at so that makes me excited. I do plan on getting breakfast in bed so I should come with plenty of $$$ for that. I've never had breakfast in bed before and this sounds like the perfect time to do it.
I plan on seeing Orlando when I get there. More importantly. I plan on eating at Friendly's ASAP. I used to eat there all the time when I lived in Jersey but they don't have any in Illinois/St. Louis. sadface.
I'm not sure if i'll end up pulling off the highway as soon as I see one because I'm probably going to be super excited when I do.
Waiting until I check in at the hotel and possibly meeting a few people and THEN going to Friendly's with them. But I will definitely be hitting that place up as soon as possible. That's like my #1 thing to do when I get down there.
I just think it'd be fun to get a group of people the night before and see the city before we get sucked into Disney.

I also requested a few work locations for Merch and here they are!
#1: The Basin in DTD
I want this location SO BAD. I don't know what the chances are or if they even put CPs in this location but IWANTIT.!! ughhh. I love soaps and skin care products so much!
#2!!: Disney's Pin Traders
I know that there is the DTD location and some other like...carts? Correct me if i'm wrong. I think that would be a lot of fun. I used to collect disney stickers when I was a kid so pins is perfect! And they don't stick and leave residue either....
####Numero Tres: World of Disney
WOD would be so much fun I think. It's the biggest store right? I would love that. And i'm pretty sure the reason I got merch was because we talked about when I worked a seasonal job at Toys R Us during Christmas season in my interview so they know I can handle a ton of people talking to me at once. So my chances of being there are pretty good I think. Or maybe i'm just full of myself. Whoooo knows. I like toys though.
#Four4: Any store that sells costumes
I really want to work somewhere that sells Princess Dresses to be more specific. The thought of seeing little girls trying on and buying dresses of their favorite princess and seeing the look on their faces when they look in the mirror sounds like the best feeling in the world.
#FIVE: EPCOT location
Cause cool would that be?

I audition in....20 days.
so excited.
I plan on getting up there and staying with some friends of mine in Chicago. One of them is the director of a play and another is in that play so I plan on auditioning and then seeing their show. It should be good because I also haven't seen these people in 3 years. Reunion! I also have never been to Chicago. I technically have actually...but it was on a college visit in high school so I don't really count it. I didn't really get to see anything.

I also saw a midnight showing of Alice in Wonderland.
and i loved it.
so much.
I did not love however, the extreme lack of costumes and makeup. In fact me and my best friend who I saw it with were the only people to do makeup. And our looks were kind of tame too...we still got dirty looks from people. But really? Dirty looks? Did I offend? I don't think so...
Midnight Showing FAIL.
This was my first midnight showing of a movie too. Major letdown.

Formspring me!

do it! I need blogging material clearly. I'd like to not have weeks in between blogs because I have nothing to talk about.