Yesterday I moved back into my parent's house. Yay? Now I gotta re-pack EVERYTHING to get it ready for Disney. So I pretty much packed, unpacked, and now I gotta pack again. I'm kind of over packing already. And I can't really think of too much to say except that I hate packing, i'm exhausted past the point of exhaustion, and I feel more inspired than ever after the last week of theatrical experimentation that we did.
And this time next week i'll be in Florida.
The End.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Posted by CicisStory at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Makeup Tips for the Ladies :)
I realize that the layout on my blog cuts off some of the videos. I don't think it's a real big deal, I think you can still get the gist of the video.
So some of us do enjoy playing with makeup. I'm definitely one of them. And I've been looking for ways to still wear makeup while at work or in class/traditions. I am a huge fan of Michelle Phan who is a makeup guru and this blog is probably going to be me plugging her videos and products.I moonlight as a makeup artist as well. :)
Using powder foundation is a better choice than liquid foundation. Powder doesn't melt :-).
There is one foundation I believe you should never ever ever use. ESPECIALLY if you're gonna be outside and hot. The Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse. I used this foundation once and i've never used it again. It's incredibly cakey and melts in hot weather. I hate this foundation...I would never recommend it. Revlon and Rimmel London make good foundations, the Loreal Paris True Match foundation is the best. :-)
The Disney Look requires that makeup not be distracting and all colors that are used must compliment the skin tone. Well what does that mean? It pretty much means that you can only use neutral colors. And has a really great neutral eyeshadow palette that costs $25! Here is a link to the actual palette where you can purchase it.
I am a huge fan of also and I would recommend their products to anyone.
Eyeliner is a toughie for this. I'm not actually sure how far that you can push eyeliner thickness and length but I DO have a cool trick that makes it look like you're not wearing eyeliner at all! Before I get to that however I have a normal eyeliner tip without even using eyeliner. Get an eyeliner brush...they look like this...Get your hand on one of these. They range in prices from $3 for drugstore brands and $11 for brands like Sephora $20-26 for more expensive brands like MAC and NARS. Use a black eyeshadow instead of a black eyeliner pencil or liquid liner. The look is much less harsh and is easier to blend out harsh edges to make it look more natural.
Now onto my invisible eyeliner secret that really isn't a secret at all. Makeup artists everywhere use this trick to make models/actresses look completely natural while enhancing the look of their eyelashes. This trick makes your eyelashes look thicker, fuller, and longer.
Take an eyeliner pencil and line your upper waterline. This is the area right underneath your eyelashes. You can gently lift your eyelashes or look up at the ceiling to get into this area. It tickles too!
That's it! Easy!
Skin Care
Skin care is incredibly important. Makeup can only do so much. It's important to prevent now than having to cure later. Makeup also looks more natural when it is applied on a clean face. sells skin care products that I swear by. I personally think the Jasmine Rice Scrub is a must have. The scrub helps even out your skin tone and I swear to god my skin has never felt better after using this. You can purchase it for $15 here....
If you have acne IQQU also sells an acne serum. Also all of these products are dermatologist recommended but not a lot of people seem to know about it. This company is like my secret weapon :)You can purchase the acne serum for $25 here....
The sunscreen is awesome too and will come in handy in that Florida sun! The sunscreen is a dry formula which means that you can apply it over makeup during the day without smudging anything!It also has SPF 35 and you can buy it for $25 here....
All IQQU products are cruelty free. They do not test on animals.
Tattoo Cover!!
Some of us have to cover tattoos. And I am one of them. Now, some people think they have to purchase expensive cover ups to cover tattoos. While these products do produce the best results I have found that drugstore brands can produce satisfactory results. I do recommend buying the cover ups by Dermablend, Kat Von D, Ben Nye, etc if you want the best results however.
You can't just rub a foundation onto a tattoo and expect it to disappear. It doesn't work like that. There is a process to it. Use a highly pigmented concealer (which would probably be from one of the brands I listed above. Ben Nye is the best :) ) And cover the darkest parts with that. DON'T rub the foundation in. Tap it on. Use your fingers or a sponge. Blend the harsh lines and extend the makeup OUTSIDE of the tattoo area so it blends into your skin. Use a translucent powder to set the makeup so it won't rub off. I am a fan of MAC's powder which you can purchase for $22 here....
Another way to make a tattoo disappear is to purchase the specialized tattoo cover up products. I really recommend purchasing them from Ben Nye...
Use a blue neutralizer first to conceal. It's not ACTUALLY blue. The undertones have blue hues to it. This will neutralize the black text/artwork of your tattoo. Any redness of the skin can be covered with a yellow neutralizer. All of these products can be purchased at the above website. Once neutralizer is applied use powder to set it. Then apply the tattoo cover foundation and powder again. I recommend scrolling down on the page to the part with palettes and color wheels and purchasing from that section.Here is a fairly decent video that shows multiple ways to cover tattoos.
Natural Faces :-)
Now i'm gonna stop talking...kinda. And post some YouTube videos of some natural looking videos. These are not my videos, I am simply a fan passing on some tips.
Be careful with winging out the eyeliner. Since the wings do extend past the eye area they may not be within the Disney Look.
This video has a cool version of A Whole New World on it too!
and finally....a theme park tutorial!! This look is NOT within the Disney Look because of the eyeliner but if you forgo the eyeliner and do the other steps there are awesome tips to help make the makeup last during a hot day at a theme park. You can use the fun eyeliner on your day off :)
Wow this was long.
Snaps for you if you actually read all of this.
Posted by CicisStory at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
What I am MOST excited about experiencing.
These guys...
Dapper Dans! I wanna tap dance with them! :) I've been watching videos of them on youtube and I can't wait to experience them first hand. They look so fun! And they tap dance! <3This show. I had originally hoped to be a part of this show but that's no longer a possibility since I didn't pass the audition. Hopefully it won't break my heart to go watch it.
And finally...Need I say more?
Posted by CicisStory at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
So. I went through a bit of a rough patch with my school so I thought I would update with what exactly went down.
I was told that my school was going to contact me about my next steps after I accepted. Well a month went by....then two months...then two and a half first I thought nothing of this and figured they didn't care so I didn't contact them. But finally I shot them an email and asked if there was anything I needed to do before I left for Disney and this is the reply that I got.
Your first step would be to call our office (618-650-3708) to get your resume critiqued and to have Co-op Orientation. When you call, you should ask for an appointment with Laci and she can do both of these in an hour appointment. You would then need a half hour appointment with me to cover everything that needs to be done at the University before leaving for Disney.
However, according to our records, you are a Senior who will be graduating in May. If this is the case, you will not be eligible to do the Disney College Program through our office. You will need to go on your own after graduation. If your grad date is an error, please update your profile with the Cougar Jobline to reflect your correct date.
SIUE does not offer credit for the classes offered at Disney. I am not aware of any possibility of transferring these credits in either.
So naturally this confused me. First of all why didn't they contact me with all this stuff I had to do when I was accepted 2 months ago?! I wasn't sure why they needed my resume or why they said I would be ineligible to attend through the school since all Disney required was that I was a student when I applied. I also am not graduating in May. They never updated their records. So I didn't call, I went in person and brought a friend with me because I felt I needed a witness. I met with this woman and she said that I needed to submit my resume for approval before I could leave for Disney. And that after August which is my new graduation date Disney would have to decide to keep me or not. WTF.
So I asked why and she said that since I wouldn't be a student my co-op would no longer be in effect and I would need to be kept on as a regular part timer. This didn't sound right to me. And it still doesn't sound right to me but I spoke to my recruiter and she set my mind at ease and told me I had nothing to worry about.
I then told her that my resume is a theatre resume and it probably doesn't look like any resume she's seen before and she said that it should be fine and to just bring it in for approval. They would put this resume in their system so people in my career field could access it and consider me for jobs. Which I saw as pointless because i'll be working at Disney. I won't be able to accept any other job. Also I'm pretty sure there are 0 theatre companies looking at the SIUE database for potential job candidates. We're not even on their radar.
So I brought in my resume and this other woman essentially laughed in my face at my resume format and my chosen career field. She said she couldn't approve it because it wasn't a resume. I fought her and said it was. It was a theatrical resume. She said I also needed my professors to approve it and I said that we had worked together for an entire semester creating and fine tuning it and she looked dumbfounded that any professor would approve such a thing. She said she couldn't approve it until it had my graduation date, GPA, skills (my skills had things like dance experience, laughing, instruments, sewing. She wanted my WPM which is actually 87, pretty impressive. Also Microsoft Office skills, I have none. I spent my whole life training in other things that are actually relevant), and to take off my stage roles and replace them with actual employment experience. I almost snapped at her. I told her that it was a terrible idea to put my graduation date on a resume because it ages me. It gives me a set age which will limit me, the theatre company decides how old I am. My GPA is completely irrelevant, they don't care. To a theatre company laughing is a legit skill. It's not easy to laugh convincingly on stage. She didn't care. She gave me resume templates and told me to follow these and to return tomorrow with a new resume. I left the office in tears. I had never had anyone treat me like that before. To look at my career and my resume and everything on it that I have worked my entire life to accomplish and say it's worthless....
I slave over this new resume until all hours of the night. And it's truly pathetic. I have never seen a more pathetic resume. It was cookie cutter, it was not impressive. It was a theatre resume with a year of work experience at Jimmy John's. Not relevant. At all. Not impressive on any resume really. But it's all I really had. I brought it in for my appointment and the other woman I spoke to before told me that they will go ahead and use my original resume. My jaw dropped. I could not believe that I had just gone through that humiliating experience and stayed up all night working on this new resume just to have them say forget it. So my original resume was uploaded and now I just need my training agreement from my recruiter. I don't know what that is, but I need it apparently.
This whole thing was way more complicated than it should've been. I cannot believe I had to go through that. I talked to a friend of mine who did the program a couple years ago at a different school and he was dumbfounded as well. He said he just said "Hey school, I'm doin this program" and they just said "Cool. Good luck. Have fun."
And after all this they're not giving me credit! Even though this co-op thing will keep me as a full time student there's still absolutely no, 0, zip credits involved.
Posted by CicisStory at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Waiting Survival Guide
So now that a lot of us have been accepted and we're counting down the days til we arrive ( 51 days, 1232 hours, 73957 minutes, 4437434 seconds) at Disney I thought I would try to compile a list of things to occupy our minds so we don't go crazy.1. School. As much as it may suck and drain the life out of you if you just immerse yourself into it time should go by faster.
2. Friends. You're not going to be seeing them for a while so get as much time with them as you can. Be social. Sitting in your room all the time isn't going to make time go by any faster.
3. Start working out. Chances are your job will have you on your feet and boosted stamina can't hurt. Plus you'll be on your way towards a bangin Florida body!
4. Learn to cook if you can't. Not only is there awesome self gratification over creating your own meals but you can make some really delicious dishes for really cheap. If you're concerned with saving money then consider making your meals vs. eating out every night.
5. Steal the Back to the Future car and jump forward 2 months. Easy solution :)
Posted by CicisStory at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Chicago Auditions
First and foremost I want to say that they had a cut before the dance combo and animation. And I didn't make it through that.
Moving on.
Prior to the audition I saw Chicago with Abby and Allison and got some lunch. Once there we were measured and our photo was taken. I was really glad to have brought my headshot too because the camera they used didn't look like it took very good quality pictures. I measured in at 5'5" so I was pretty much screwed from the start.
We learned a very simple 2 eight counts of marching essentially and then they cut about...I would say close to 90-100 people from the 124 that were there. They brought us in a room and said "sorry but we are unable to offer you an entertainment position at the time. Sometimes it just comes down to fitting in the costume." So I didn't actually get to experience this awesomely fun audition i've heard so much about and that is what I was mostly disappointed over. I won't lie and say that I'm ok and not upset. But I've gone through this before, I've gone through similar cattle calls (and that's what this was) and had the same result and it's ok. I can move on. I saw something Jazmine posted on the group and it's true. That now I can make magic for guests and be able to take credit for it. Merchandise here I come.
You hear more people tell you no than yes in this business. And that just makes that "yes" so, so much sweeter. :D
Posted by CicisStory at 4:06 PM 0 comments